From Critic to Ally

Overcome self doubt & self criticism and gain confidence, abundance, & self love in less than 20 minutes a day!

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Wow, I'm ready to sign up!

In this 7 day course you will learn:

How to go from feeling defeat & failure to being proud of what you're accomplishing.

✔ How to have a healthy relationship with your body and love what you see in the mirror (without changing a thing!)

✔ How to see yourself in a new light, as someone you are super proud to be.

✔ Understand the negative voice in your head, and start to think more positive thoughts without even trying.

✔ Learn to forgive your mistakes so you can finally feel free and light without any burden from the past.

✔ Learn to connect with yourself so deeply that no matter how terrible life gets, you feel completely capable of getting through it with ease.

I'm ready!!

Imagine what life would be like if...


✔ Everything felt easy and effortless because you were trusting of yourself and your ability to conquer any challenge.

✔ You were making more money because your confidence was shining so much that opportunities just presented themselves to you.

✔ You were productive and happy as procrastination and self sabotage became things of the past.

✔ You had the certainty that your huge goals were within arms reach and you wouldn't have to sacrifice your happiness to get there.

But Does Your Reality Look More Like This?


❌ The fearful voice in you is so loud it is stopping you from reaching your goals.

❌ You know you are meant for more but you feel like you don't know how to stop caring about what other people think.

❌ You are constantly beating yourself down and feel like a failure.

❌ You see other people living amazing lives and feel like that could never be you.

❌ You feel like you make progress and then backslide and lose it all.

If you are feeling any of the things above, I get it. I've been there.

When I first discovered this work, I was 18 years old in film school. We did an exercise where we spoke to our inner critics and WOW, was that eye opening. The way I was speaking to myself was so mean. But for what? What was being so mean to myself getting me?

After many years of trying to heal and do inner work, I signed up to take a year long intensive certification program to become a Life Coach and realized the truth.

The truth is that your inner critic is actually trying to help you! (I know, right? That doesn't seem right.....)

But it's true. Unconsciously, your inner critic is trying to serve you in some way. And when I accepted that and tried to understand my critic vs push them away, my entire life flipped upside down.

My critic turned from insulting me and tearing me down to my biggest cheerleader. I no longer had a terrible voice in my head. I believed in myself, I trusted myself, and I knew I could get through absolutely anything.


And now, it's your turn.

What kind of results should you expect?

This is what people are saying:


"My love of self is deeper, the anxiety, stress and depression that were issues before have subsided and are at manageable levels. Christina's caring nature makes it easy to connect and talk to her, she genuinely wants to know who you are as a person, so she can help you maximize your dreams, goals and potential.
I have seen drastic improvements with my mood, self esteem, anxiety, overall perspective and most importantly my happiness. I feel differently on a day to day basis in a positive way. I am genuinely excited to live life in every moment and into the future. Much of this is attributed to the help, guidance, and caring knowledge Christina has given to me."


"This time last year I was broken from being betrayed and discarded by people I thought would have my back forever. I was lost because as time went on I kept losing sight of MY purpose. I was numb to the fact that I didn't see the point to anything. And today I'm in a completely different space. Mentally, emotionally and even energetically. I realized the other day that I am single, live by myself and the few people that I still trust and hold close to my heart don't live close by. I'm "alone" but am no longer lonely."


"I've been seeking enlightenment and a more in depth knowledge of myself and it happened yesterday through your exercise. I feel like the universe is leading me in the right direction. To a healed and better version of myself. I've been so emotional these past two days. Feeling full of gratitude and overall a whole lot lighter.

The inner child exercise was so impactful. I unlocked some new insight and perspective on my childhood self. Thank you for being so thoughtful with your program and helping me discover what some of my childhood needs that I seek in my adult self."

Okay, I'm in!

Module 1 

  • Learn how to shift from a place of, "I don't have enough," to overflowing with abundance.
  • Discover how your unconscious is driving you, and how to change it

Module 2

  • Learn to notice and shift negative thoughts
  • Create new neural pathways in your brain so you think more positively automatically.
  • Understand why affirmations don't work, and what to do instead.

Module 3

  • Learn how your inner critic is trying to serve you.
  • Learn how to be grateful for your negative inner voice, and use it to propel you forward.

Module 4:

  • Learn how to connect to your inner critic and have a conversation with them to deeply understand where they are coming from.
  • Begin to shift the relationship you have with your inner critic into something more positive.

Module 5:

  • Meet your inner critic and start to speak to yourself more kindly.

Module 6:

  • Meet your inner child and learn to start loving every part of you - past, present, and future.

Module 7:

  • Begin to appreciate your physical body, no matter what you look like.
  • Unlearn society's pressures to look a certain way

Module 8: BONUSES! See below.


The additional resources are here to help you along your journey, both during and after this program.

Inhale Guided Journal

Day three's exercise is taken from this journal, so why not gift you the entire thing to deepen your self love?!

Self Love Workbook

The workbook holds profound questions for you to ask yourself as you elevate and step into who you want to be.

50 Prompts For Overwhelm

Overwhelm feels heavy. This guide helps you to understand your overwhelm so you can make small shifts and feel LESS!

Sign me up!

My final question to you is this...


How long will you wait before you take the time to learn what real self love means?

I don't want you to look back on your life and wish you had done things differently.

Everything stems from self love - how healthy your relationships are, your ability to heal, your ability to get through hard times, how far you go in your career, and so much more.

If you're feeling the pull to give this a shot, trust that. You will thank yourself later.

You are not alone in this.

You're right. I'm in.
I need this.